Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guilt, Lifetime Network, and Various Other Stuff

There's a great guest post over on MizFit today by Fitness Fig. She writes about guilt and food, and whether guilt is a good motivator for weight loss. (I say "Hell, no!") Check it (and the comments) out, if you have a chance.
On 2 other blogs, they write about a new series on Lifetime called "Drop Dead Diva." It's basically a smart vs. pretty kind of thing. And the actress they've cast to play the overweight, supposedly unattractive wallflower is a gorgeous goddess named Brooke Elliot. 'Cause that's Hollywood's version of "ugly."
This morning I woke up, stepped on the scale (which I almost NEVER do), saw the number and...didn't freak out! It's high. WAAAAAAAAAAY higher than I'd like. But I did not freak. And that's a good thing!
In "Overcoming Overeating," which I'm reading s-l-o-w-l-y, they talk about Change. ( Seems appropriate about now, lol!) Change your thinking to change your behavior. Kinda like Cognitive Therapy, in some ways.
I've changed my thinking and behavior A LOT in the past 6 years. It's what has helped me get rid of my panic attacks. But I never applied it to my body image.
The idea is this: we look at ourselves in the mirror and, almost unconsciously, a negative thought pops into out heads. We've been doing this for so long we hardly notice the negative thoughts. They're automatic. They make us feel badly. I don't know about you, but sometimes when I feel crappy, I eat.
So, if I start paying attention and putting a stop to those negative thoughts (which, yes, is a long an sometimes difficult process), I can feel GOOD about myself, and then I won't reach for food for comfort. Also, I need to be able to feel my feelings, rather than bury them. And to realize that they won't kill me.
Beyond that, I know that overeating, eating when I'm not hungry, etc. is a symptom of a larger problem. I need to pay attention to what's going on when I reach for food.
Yes, I want to lose weight, but it's not just physical weight. There's a whole lotta mental and emotional weight there, too.
In the meantime, I'm starting to realize what a hot little chickadee I am!!!!!!


Charlotte said...

Aw! "Hot little chickadee"! I love it!! I am so glad you are maintaining your sanity.

Lainie said...

Thanks for the mention!

Yes, the negativity is deeply ingrained (like the guilt trips). This also reminds me of my recent post on men, women, and weight loss. My husband (for one) sees only how buff he is when he looks in the mirror (doesn't see his spindly legs or less-than-firm belly). He's always walking around flexing his muscles after his (very brief) workouts. If you could see me now I'd be rolling my eyes.

azusmom said...

Charlotte, it's amazing how a tiny little tweak in my attitude (and years of thaerapy) can make a huge difference, lol!

Lainie, that is too funny! And so true. I see guys strutting around on the gym floor like they're God's gift on little twig legs (With huge arms and barrel chests!).

Anonymous said...

Ive read this a few times and youd be surprised at the onslaught of emails I got after the post...we're talking more guilt :) next week---come by if youre in the hood on wed and chime in.


azusmom said...

I'll definitely drop in!