Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's Not A Diet. No, Really!

I know I've had a few brilliant *new* eating plans in the past year or so I've been blogging, but this one is a little different.
A few years ago I tried putting LG on a gluten/casein-free diet. To help with his symptoms of Autism.
It didn't make a difference.
My daughter, however, appears to be a different story. I've written about periods of discomfort. And by "discomfort" I mean screaming, unable to sleep, and very clingy. Nothing helps. So today I read up a bit on the effects a gluten/dairy intolerance can have in a child with Autism.
And it's pretty major!
I won't go into all the details, but basically it can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients, and, in effect, the brain starves. This is ONLY in people with an intolerance or allergy, not for everyone with Autism (or ADD).
It seems that WG may have an intolerance. Ever since she was born she's had a sensitive stomach, and over the years we've eliminated certain things from her diet. Like cow's milk, soy milk, and certain other things. Why I didn't think of gluten before, especially as I'd already tried it with LG, is beyond me. (I would say my own brain is starving, but I don't think I have one anymore.)
However I AM planning on joining her in this. For the most part. (I may have the occasional slice of whole-wheat or, drool, sourdough bread.) Just this evening I gave her some GF food for dinner, and already she's in a MUCH better mood. If she sleeps tonight, I'll consider it a success (and fall on my knees in gratitude for the first night's sleep in a week).
I think it'll help me have more energy, hopefully more focus, and it'll force me out of my cooking rut. I've been making the same things over and over, and we're all getting sick of them.
On the message boards for Intuitive Eating, they talk about honoring your body and its needs. And one of the things they mention is that sometimes there are foods that you CANNOT eat. Not because they're "fattening," but because your body cannot tolerate them. So I'm going to see if I can make my daughter and myself feel better.
Wish us luck!


Crabby McSlacker said...

Fingers crossed!

If the gluten free helps, that would be awesome. And it seems like it would be easier to adapt to a gluten free lifestyle if you start young. I know lots of adults really struggle with the foods they miss, whereas I imagine if you grow up without eating them you would feel less deprived.

Hope it helps!

Charlotte said...

Good luck! I used to babysit a little boy who was on "the autism diet" (his mom's words, not mine) and it was huge pain IMO. ALthough totally worth it if it helps of course! My son finally got diagnosed with ODD (ugh) and I've noticed that keeping him away from artificial colors and sweeteners and junk sugars really helps control his fits. You are a good, good mom my friend - I hope you know that!

azusmom said...

Thanks, you guys!