Thursday, September 25, 2008

Random Thoughts

Remember that sketch "Deep Thoughts" on Saturday Night Live? This is kinda like that. Only not deep. And not nearly as funny, unfortunately.

I won a pair of FREE MBT shoes!!!!!! You know, those funny-looking anti-gravity shoes that cost $250? (You can see a photo on The Great Fitness Experiment. Charlotte has once again placed herself in harm's way for the benefit of the rest of us. Thanks, Charlotte!) I'd been coveting a pair for a while, but the price is a bit steep. Now, thanks to Crabby over ant Cranky Fitness, I will have a pair in my hot little hands! Thank you, Crabby!

A quick list of inspiring blogs: the abovementioned The Great Fitness Experiment and Cranky Fitness. Also, The Weighting Game, Workout Mommy, Shapely Prose, Fit In Real Life, Back In Skinny Jeans, The Shape of a Mother, Autismville, Bag Lady's Blather, Elastic Waist, Every Woman Has An Eating Disorder, MizFit, Dr. J, Nutritious Junk, and the gone-but-not-forgotten Fitness, Kids, and Sanity.

REI outlet has some great stuff on its website right now. And they'll ship free to any REI store, so you can just go pick it up. I mention it because there are some really good bargains! Who doesn't love a bargain?

The kids have a field trip today with their therapy group. It's at a place called Pump it Up. It's badically a warehouse full of jumpy houses, and it's REALLY fun! And if the parents have to get in and jump along with the kids, well, those are the kinds of sacrifices we just have to make.
See, that's one of the dirty little secrets of parenting: yes it's challenging, it can be difficult, you lose sleep, your plans and dreams sometimes get placed on the back burner, and there's an inordinate amount of bodily fluids involved, BUT, you get to do things like go on the swings at the playground and jump in bouncy houses and ride Big Wheels and everyone looks at you and thinks "Oh, what a great parent! look at you, playing with your kids!" and meanwhile you're thinking "This is awesome! I get to do all this fun stuff that if I did while not having kids would brand me as either a weirdo or a pervert!"

Speaking of which, the new California Academy of Sciences is opening this weekend in Golden Gate Park, and they're having free admission on Saturday! I hear it's pretty amazing: a life-sized reproduction of a rainforest, and 5 floors of really cool things. I wonder how much a membership would cost...
And we STILL haven't been to the Exploratorium. Gotta check that out.

I'm addicted to iced soy chai lattes at Starbucks. I was addicted to the hot version when they first came out 9 (?!?!?!) years ago. Last year it was the green tea latte. I may need a Starbucks intervention.

My husband looks REALLY hot on his motorcycle.

I think that's it for now. Feel free to post your own random thoughts in the comments! Have a wonderful day!


Charlotte said...

My kids think pump it up like Disneyland. Of course, they've never been to Disneyland... It really is fun tho!

And congrats on the shoes. You mustmustmust tell me what you think of them.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout-out!
You should post a pic of the hot motorcycle riding hubby...maybe in profile if you don't want to reveal his identity (unlike me, who splashes pics of her niece all over.))

Anonymous said...

so many thoughts.
first? my husband is begging for a PUMP IT UP PARTY for our daughters bday (it sounds weird now that I type it out but its more that she doesnt care...shes turning I asked him :)).
I need to see one in person I think.

next? thank you (really.very.a lot.) for the blogmentionlove.


and last but notnot least your dr 90210 comment.
good G-D I shouldnt watch that either and the gogo dancer piece (all of it. from skivvy dr rey to her take on the female body)just made me remember and roll my eyes.


azusmom said...

Charlotte, we've never been to Disneyland either. Even when we lived, like, 30 minutes away! But Pump It Up is so much fun! The kids jumped for 90 minutes straight. It was awesome.

Leslie, I will gladly post a pic, as soon as I get one, lol! And your niece SHOULD be all over, she's adorable!!!!!!