Saturday, August 23, 2008

So, Read Any Good Books Lately?

I LOVE blogs! I just love 'em! And I REALLY love that you can get in touch with people that, before the internet, you would never have thought to get in touch with. Or, if you DID think of it, you probably wouldn't 'cause it involved sitting down to write a letter and mailing it. And you were (and by"you were" I mean "I was") just too damn lazy.
Some of my favorite blogs are by writers. Which makes sense 'cause, um, they WRITE for a living, so their blogs are probably gonna be good. But what I mean is that because I basically devour books (they're my vacation), I love that I can go online and go to an author's website, learn more about them, get titles of other books they've written (or are in the process of writing), leave a comment to let them know how much I enjoyed their book, etc. Not in a creepy way, just in a "Hey, love your work, can't wait for the new book" kinda way.

We live right down the street from a brand-new library. Actually, it's so brand-new they haven't finished building it yet! There will be a grand opening ceremony on September 6th, and I'm so dorkily (yes, I know that's not a word) excited I can barely sleep at night! All those books, just a stone's throw away! And I think there's going to be a cafe! Books and coffee! These are just two of my fav-o-rite things! And the kids will be spending more time at school, so I can spend more time at the library!

OMG!!!! I am SUCH a NERD!!!!!!!!!

(And to prove it,) do any of you remember that episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (See?!) when Q was turned into a mortal, but no one believed him? And he said "What do I have to do to prove it?" And Whorf said "Die." So Q came back with "Oh, hello Whorf. Eat any good books lately?"
Yeah. That was funny!

But I digress. See, a few years ago, a measure was on a ballot to provide funding for new libraries in all of San Mateo county. We didn't live here at the time, so we couldn't vote, but it passed, and now we're reaping the benefits. A couple of years ago a new library opened in Hubby's hometown, not far from here. I went in to take a look one blustery, chilly day, and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!! There were faux leather recliners in the main room, near a cheerfully blazing hearth. A gigantic kids' section, lots of friendly staff, and two floors of books. And, yes, a cafe. It was yet another reason why we wanted to move here: people actually vote to spend money on things like libraries and schools! (Didn't happen in L.A., let me tell ya!)

Anyway, what kinds of books do you like to read?


Charlotte said...

I'm almost 100% non-fiction. But every once in awhile my husband talks me into a novel. I just finished Mistborn (in 2 days, it was that good). It's fantasy/sci-fi tho - don't know if you are into that. Anyhow, other books I've read lately and loved: Chalked Up by Jennifer Sey, Marathon Woman by ?, Letters to a Bullied Girl by ?, and Prude by ?.

I'm like you - when I get 2 hours to myself, I head straight for the comfiest chair in B&N or the library and don't come out;)

Penny said...

Fiction girl over here! Although I will read pretty much anything lying around. I divide my time between crime (Pelecanos, and Dennis Lehane is my new favourite) and contemporary lit like Paul Auster. I'm trying to get though 50 books this year but am a bit behind at the moment!

TA x