Monday, September 19, 2011

Holy Cow!

Decided to go to a new yoga class yesterday morning.  It's at the new studio where I go to the Anusara class, and it's now part of the Fall schedule.  Yesterday was the first session of Hot Yoga (not Bikram, more of  a Hatha flow class in 85 degrees), and I was the only one who showed up.  Sooooo...I got a private session!!!!! It was so cool! I'd never had a private yoga session before!
Of course, the disadvantage to that is I couldn't slack off.  At all.  (Not that I ever do in a full class!  Oh no, not me!  I'm a perfect angel! See the halo?  See the two horns holding it up?) And BOY HOWDY, am I feeling it today! I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. OK, harder than usual.
Luckily I have the day (mostly) off today. I might just head over to the pool, since it's supposed to get up to 90 degrees today.  I'll swim, sit in the hot tub, then go to another yoga class tonight.  Tomorrow it's a session with my private client in the morning, and rehearsal with the rugrats in the afternoon. Then bring our own kids to the pool. So it'll be a full day, even without a workout.  (I've decided that, for the immediate future, Tuesdays will be my non-workout days rather than Sundays.  I used to call them "rest days," but I don't think they will qualify when I'm with 17 kids ages 6-8.  And, yes, it's gone up from 14 to 17.)
OK, scratch that.  I just found out it's 19.
Gotta make more script revisions...

I'm also being ridiculously entertained by the pirate-speak on Facebook.  Since today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, you can change your language to "Pirate (English.)"   Go to your profile page, scroll all the way down & on the left it will have the current language.  Click on it, and it will enable you to change it.  It's REALLY funny!
Or, I'm just easily amused.
Perhaps both.

*UPDATE:  I just returned from my Anusara class, and have some exciting news! The owner of the studio asked if I'd be interested in teaching a Pilates class on Mondays, after Anusara.  I would get paid, of course (though not very much, since it's all still just starting out), but I'd also GET TO TAKE YOGA CLASSES FOR FREE!!!!!!!!  (And tai chi, and Zumba, and all the other stuff they have there!)

Anyway.  Gotta go add a couple of llamas back into a script.  Have a good night, all!


Geosomin said...

free classes for teaching - that is so cool! win-win :)

I love the talk like a pirate thing on Facebook...heck I love the talk like a pirate DAY yesterday. I drove my coworkers nuts.

azusmom said...

Ha! Love it!!!!