Monday, April 14, 2008

Part II

I just went on to the PBS website, and there's an interview with Andrew Davies, talking about his "new" ending of the story. Apparently, E.M. Forster had written a post-script to the book, 50 years after it was published, in which George goes back to Florence and remembers all the things that happened. But Davies thinks that the book is more Lucy's story than George's, so he made her a widow who visits Florence, and meets up again with the driver who took them around ten years earlier. There's a moment at the end, when you think she and the driver might get together, which is good, 'cause I hate to think of them both being alone. But it would have been better if GEORGE HADN'T DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!

OK. Done. I just need to get over it.


Charlotte said...

And this is exactly why I refuse to watch movie adaptations of books I have read. That's right - I've never seen Harry Potter. I think that makes me officially unamerican;)

azusmom said...

Yeah, that's why I never saw the movie version of "Beloved." The "Harry Potter" movies are pretty faithful to the books, but it's probably best you still not see them!

Charlotte said...

They made a movie out of Beloved?!?! Don't get me wrong - I think Toni Morrison is brilliant and her book deeply affected me - but I can't think of a single story I'd want to see on a big screen less than that one. Just the opening scene alone.

azusmom said...

Yeah, they did. With Oprah. I think she produced it. But it didn't do too well; I guess a lot of people didn't want to see it on screen!

Anonymous said...

I never saw this movie or read the book but I do want to say...happy and healthy Passover!!

azusmom said...

Thank you, Leslie! And to you, as well!