Friday, April 11, 2008

I Found Balance! For a few seconds, anyway. Oh, and Zombies.

WARNING: It's Friday, and much of the text written below is random and rambling. Proceed with caution.

Last night my angelic sister-in-law volunteered to watch the kids so I could go to yoga while Hubby was at school. She also cleaned the house. AND, she's coming over AGAIN today to watch the kids so Hubby can come with me to our daughter's IEP (Individualized Education Plan meeting. It's something schools do for every child with special needs). They're trying to cut way down on the in-home therapy, so having him there will be a huge help. Does she rock, or what?

Anywho, I went to this yoga class that I LOVE. We start with a meditation and relaxation, and our instructor answered some questions. Then he led us through a very rigorous vinyasa series, followed by some partner work. Eventually we made our way into Crane, which I had been basically powering through by gritting my teeth, relying on arm strength, and falling over after 3 seconds.
But last night, I FINALLY GOT IT! After falling about six times, I found my balance in the pose! He was telling us that it's more about balance than strength, and I finally got it!

Until I lost said balance and fell over again.

But that's ok! I found that place, and I know how to get there again!

So, I was feeling pretty darn good, and calm. Then I got home, climbed into bed (after getting the child who wasn't already sleeping to do so) and started watching a movie on TV. I didn't know what it was at first, until a little girl came into a sleeping couple's room and proceeded to bite the husband on the neck, causing him to turn into a flesh-eating zombie.
Yes, it was the re-make of "Dawn of the Dead." Now, I am a HUGE wuss (had nightmares for months after watching "The Ring"), and had to turn the TV off.
But it got me thinking.
See, I don't think zombies would necessarily eat living people. I think maybe they'd actually be, well, kinda nice. There was an episode of "The X-Files" that dealt with zombies, and Mulder said they would probably do the things they enjoyed doing while they were alive, like dance, and drink wine and stuff.
And then there's the scene in "Corpse Bride" when the living come back to Earth and reunite with their loved ones. (I love that movie!)
SO, what do you think? Are zombies mindless, flesh-chewing monsters, or are they folks who simply miss kickin' it with the fam? Or are they something in between, like in Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series?
Just curious.


Charlotte said...

You know, I had SUCH problems with crane until an instructor told me that it's all in the abs (or core to you pilates types;)). Once I focused on pulling my stomach in, it became remarkably easy to hold! Congrats on your success with it - I wish you many more. It's a very gratifying pose to master:)

As for zombies - I am such a wuss when it comes to scary stuff. I can't even bear to think about the undead. Eeek.

WeightingGame said...

I think you should stay away from vigorous late-nite yoga! (Congrats on Crane, BTW). I have never really thought that much about zombies, having been scarred for life by Michael Jacksons Thriller video decades ago where they scared the living daylights out of me. If I had to guess, though, I'd say they're flesh-eating killers, not nostalgic family members.

Anonymous said...

well, thats a few seconds LONGER than this mom can find it right now...


azusmom said...

Charlotte, that's true, using the abs/core DOES help!

WG, that video scared me, too! I guess if I came upon some zombies I'd run in the other direction, rather than hanging around to see if they were friendly. And the yoga class? It was at 7:30, which foe me is pretty late,lol! Maybe i SHOULD switch to a morning class...

Workout Mommy, you seem pretty balanced to me!

Charlotte said...

Not to threadjack but what do you all think about Michael Jackson's Thriller being a metaphor for rape? I think it's glaringly obvious but my friends seem to think I'm reading too much into it. (And yeah, it scared the c-r-a-p out of me too!)

azusmom said...

OMG, Charlotte, that's EXACTLY what I thought the first time I saw it! And then I tried to convince myself that it wasn't, that it was just a takeoff on Hollywood horror flicks. But I've noticed that A LOT of horror movies use killing scenes that look A LOT like rape, and it's disgusting!
Just the other day there was an ad for "Aliens Vs. Predator," which, I guess, is coming out on DVD. One scene shows a close-up of an alien sticking its tentacles down a young woman's throat, and it looked like, forgive me, she was deep-throating him. And NOT willingly! I was so disgusted and horrified!
I don't think it's unintentional. A lot of these producers have the mindset of 12 year-old psychotic boys.