Sunday, February 17, 2008

If I Only had A Brain...

I just noticed that one of my posts is titled "Just to Califry." Of course, I meant "clarify."
I have Mom brain. It's what happens when you have kids. You're brain's ability to retain information actually diminishes. Scientists have documented this, in new moms of kids up to a year old. The problem is, all the studies have stopped there, at one year. I am CLINICAL PROOF that this phenomenon can last at least 6 1/2 years (coincidentally, the age of my older child).

I used to spout pages and pages of iambic pentameter. Now I'm lucky to get out a single sentence in any language known to humankind. (It's mostly things like "Heh, gergh, jhud, argh, GET DOWN FROM THERE!!!!!!!")

Maybe I should get a blackberry. One with a dictionary and a calendar. And GPS.

Or a brain transplant.


Anonymous said...

it really is true. I am always talking to myself in the car "do I have my keys? water? children? are they strapped in" and my husband's favorite...."where are we going again?" (sigh) It's good to know I am not alone! :)

azusmom said...

No, you are NOT alone!!!!