Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Borg Have Arrived!!!!!!!

I just saw one of those ads for wrinkle cream, featuring a woman who's probably, at most, 27. And it occurred to me that she kind of looks like 7of 9, the Borg chick from Star Trek.
So THAT'S why ads freak me out! They're sending us messages: Resistance is Futile.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You do understand that I said elective surgery, not urgent or emergency treatment? Neurological or not, knee replacements do not do as well for obese individuals because of the huge increase in forces on the knee due to the weight. Your friend is probably much better off. Think about it from my point of view. "People" complain that doctors don't care and just take their money. When I really care about giving someone an operation that will help them long term, and not just taking their money, I'm still the bad guy. See the problem?
I appreciate your comment,
Dr. J

azusmom said...

Hey, Dr. J, I definitely do see, and I'm not trying to make you out to be the bad guy. I really apologize if that's how it came off. It's just that so many diets and weight loss surgeries fail, and I see so many people fall into despair, thinking they are unworthy because they can't keep the weight off. (I'm also speaking as someone who has had a history of eating disorders.) Many of my in-laws are in the medical profession, and i have terrific doctors myself. I think it may be a case of different points of view, and the fact that the insurance industry is making medical decisions that should be made by doctors.
It would be nice if everyone took better care of themselves and their families.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! By the way, Mrs. J is a special ed. teacher and we both appreciate, though at times rewarding as only a mother can know, how challenging it can be to raise children with autism. We both send our best!

Dr. J

azusmom said...

Thanks, Dr. J! I don't know what we would have done without our kids' teachers and therapists. People who work with special needs kids are a rare and wonderful breed. Thanks for the kind words, and take care!

The Merry said...

Maybe I'll be able to persuade my sister to take up yoga. She just had to send my nephew to a facility where he could live, as there were no schools that would take him unless he were able to function without diapers. (13 year old with Down's syndrome.)
After all she's been through (single mother of 5), she's able to turn her experience to good use. She just got a job where she counsels parents of special needs children, to help them get through the bureaucracy. I think it's great that she's finally got a fulfilling job, but she's going to burn out if she doesn't take time for herself. How do you persuade someone else that they need to take a break?

azusmom said...

Hi Merry!
That is a really hard one. Maybe the best way to do that is to take her to class with you for the first few weeks, and that way it'd be harder for her to back out.
Anyone else have any ideas?

The Merry said...

It's a good thought, azusmom, except that she's in upstate NY and I'm in Oregon. But you've given me an idea. I'll see if I can get her teenage daughter interested in yoga... that might persuade her to join.