Wednesday, December 5, 2007

WHy ARe Receptionists At Psychiatrist's Offices So Rude?

Seriously! this is not the first time it's happened! I called yesterday to make an appointment, and I asked if they accept Blue Cross. "Blue Cross WHAT?" she asked. "Um, insurance?" 'Cause, really, what the hell did she think I meant? "Is it a PPO or an HMO?" Ah, THAT'S what she meant. But, really, there was no need to yell, I could hear her just fine. She was pretty condescending, like I should just magically KNOW all the answers to the questions I was asking. Grrrr.
I called another doc's office a few years ago, this one in a entirely different city. Because I was on my way in, and I got lost. Because there were 2 exits off the freeway, about 5 miles apart, with the same frickin' name. SO the receptionist answers, and tells me i went the wrong way on the exit. "No," said I, trying to explain that I actually took the wrong exit entirely, but before I get that out she shouts, yes, shouts "YES YOU DID! YOU WENT THE WRONG WAY!!!!!!" Then she gave me directions.
At the time, I had my 1 year-old in the car, and I was trying to keep it together on a Los Angeles freeway. Not an easy task in the best of moods, let alone when you've been having thoughts of suicide. (Can you say "undiagnosed post-partum depression, in conjunction with a whole lotta other crap?") (And, just to clarify, I NEVER thought about harming my kids. It was one of those "They'd be better off without me" things. THIS is why I went to therapy!)
My point is, don't these women know that they are dealing with people in a somewhat fragile state of mind? A little kindness and patience would go a long way. Or maybe they're trying the tough love approach; life is hard, suck it up and get over it. Of course, if we did that, they'd be out of a job, because no one would come to see their bosses. (Doesn't work anyway; I've tried it.) Or maybe they're just burned out. But, whatever the case, THEY NEED TO STOP.

OK, I want my prescription for Zoloft NOW!!!!!


WeightingGame said...

Oh my gosh - this is funny...I totally get what you mean. I find this happens at lots of doctors' offices, not just the psychiatrist - it's like they're taking out some external frustration on us. That's why, when I encounter a really nice employee at the MD's office, I try to be as sweet as possible. Butif I were you, driving on the LA freeway with a child and the woman started screaming at me, I would be equally furious.

azusmom said...

I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one, although I'm sorry you've had to go through it, too!

I love your blog, BTW, and just ordered "Locker Room Diaries."